Poster Economic cycle
Poster Economic cycle
The graphic on the poster explains the simple economic cycle in the reading booklet with Lewi the mouse '20 euros on the trail' and in the 'A1 Perspectives Challenge' of the same name:
Which people do the children recognize from the poster?
What do these people do and how do they earn their money?
What goods and services do the companies offer?
What do the companies get for their goods and services?
Why do you need a bank to make the economy work?
How are you part of the economy? Which companies do you (or your parents) buy from?
This material is only available in German.
About the learning program
Strengthening strengths - promoting initiative, teamwork and creativity! With the help of innovative learning materials for personal development & psychosocial strengthening, social commitment & sustainability, entrepreneurial thinking & action and mindfulness & holistic learning.